Climate change

Descarbonización · Transición Energética · Adaptación al Cambio Climático

At KREAN we drive the transition to a more sustainable future through innovative engineering and consulting solutions for decarbonisation and energy transition and for resilience in the face of Climate Change.

Our team of experts accompanies you in the challenges of Greenhouse Gas mitigation and adaptation to the impacts of Climate Change, designing customised strategies and action plans for your organisation or city.

We analyse the carbon footprint, optimising through our engineering processes and technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We develop roadmaps for the energy transition and draw up investment plans for the decarbonisation of organisations in the industrial, agri-food, hotel and retail sectors.

We advise you on the implementation of renewable energies, while promoting energy efficiency in your buildings and industrial processes. We design sustainable solutions for water management, minimising the risk of shortages and improving the quality of water resources.

We develop climate change adaptation plans, improving the resilience of infrastructures and the city as a whole. We carry out physical risk analysis of organisations and risk management plans to minimise the impacts of climate change.

We work closely with you to identify the business challenges and opportunities associated with sustainability, positioning your organisation as a leader in sustainability and ESG policies.

Mikel Cepeda KREAN

Mikel Cepeda

Head of Climate Change





Professional Architectural and Engineering Services

  • Decarbonisation and Energy Transition Plans
  • Municipal Climate and Energy Plans
  • Greenhouse Gas Inventories and Carbon Footprint Analysis
  • Climate Change Vulnerability and Risk Analyses
  • Climate Change Adaptation PlansClimate Change Risk Management Plans

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