Sustainability Plan for the network of Technology Parks in Euskadi

Sustainability Plan for the network of Technology Parks in Euskadi


Drafting the Environmental Sustainability Plan and assisting with its implementation, management and monitoring over the next five years (2021 – 2026).




Taking as a reference the commitment of the RPTE to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its own Strategic Plan, the drafting of the PSMAU (Sustainability, Mobility and Universal Accessibility Plan) commenced with the aim of establishing measures that promote a rational and sustainable use of the region and its resources, while promoting universal mobility and accessibility to all spaces and services of the Parks.

The Sustainability Plan prepared by KREAN contributes to improving the environment of the RPTE and the territory in which they are located, as well as the safety and health of citizens and workers, contributing to the achievement of greater efficiency in the economy, thanks to a more rational use of space, energy and natural resources.

The drafting of the Sustainability Plan included the calculation of the RPTE's carbon footprint, the analysis and recommendation for a more sustainable urban planning model, a roadmap for the next ten years to improve energy efficiency and to incorporate renewable energy in more than 30 buildings owned by the RPTE. The Plan is supported by strategies and actions such as the Circular Economy, Green Public Procurement and Adaptation to Climate Change.

The creation of the PSAMU included the creation of a working group with the companies belonging to the Technology Park Network that wished to contribute to sustainability in the RPTE, as well as assistance in the implementation, management and monitoring by means of a scorecard and a panel of indicators over the subsequent five years (2021 – 2026).