
Water treatment and purification (WWTP, DWTP, storm tanks, etc...) - Water transport and distribution: supply, sanitation, rainwater and irrigation - Integrated analysis of river environments: hydrology, flooding, climate change, protection and eco-restoration measures - Dams and hydroelectric plants

At KREAN we have extensive experience in the implementation of projects covering the entire water management cycle. Water is an essential element for life on our planet, being fundamental for agriculture, industry, human consumption and the maintenance of ecosystems. However, the growing demand for water, coupled with the effects of climate change, such as droughts and floods, pose increasing challenges in the management of this vital resource.

Water engineering is concerned with the study, design, construction and operation of water-related systems. Its main objective is to ensure a water supply of sufficient quality to meet the needs of the population and economic activities, while protecting the environment.

We work on a wide variety of projects, among which the following stand out:

· Drinking water supply: Design and construction management of drinking water and reclaimed water collection, treatment and distribution systems to ensure a safe and quality supply to communities. Including DWTPs, WTPs.
· Sanitation: Design and construction management of sewerage systems and wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) to protect public health and aquatic ecosystems.
· Water resources management: Development of integrated water resources management plans to optimise the use of water resources and ensure their long-term sustainability.
· Flood protection: Design and construction of water infrastructure to prevent and mitigate the effects of floods, such as bridges, spillways and storm tanks.
· Renewable energy harnessing: Development of hydropower projects to generate clean, renewable energy from water.

We are committed to helping our clients find innovative and sustainable solutions to water-related challenges, ensuring a safe and quality supply for present and future generations.

Azucena Marquínez KREAN

Azucena Marquínez

Head of Water

Civil Engineer




Professional Architectural and Engineering Services

  • Professional Architectural and Engineering Services
  • Landscape and environmental design
  • Structural engineering
  • Installations engineering
  • Sustainability and energy efficiency consultancy
  • Licence management
  • Project and construction management
  • Site management
  • On-site assistance
  • Support in obtaining subsidies/subsidie


  • Turnkey construction
  • Open book construction
  • EPC


  • Project structuring
  • Promotion

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