Designing and making projects a reality.

We build ideas, approaching projects in a holistic manner, with a single intermediary during all the phases (design, contracting, construction), and carrying out an integrated management that involves all the agents (developer, industry, project and site teams) in an optimal manner, so that the final result is a product of the contribution of the skills of all.

We specialise in projects that require a high commitment to quality, guaranteed results, optimised delivery times and transparency.

Our multidisciplinary team has extensive experience in responding rigorously to the established economic objectives and deadlines, so that each idea becomes a reality in an optimal manner.

In order to ensure the established objectives, we offer advice and guidance to our clients as to the type of working relationship that best suits their needs: Turnkey with fixed price, open books, maximum price guarantee...

José Antonio Fernández

José Antonio Fernández

Construction Manager

Specialties in Construction


Industrial building and processes

  • Newly constructed industrial buildings
  • Refurbishment/renovation and adaptation to regulations for existing industrial buildings
  • Implementation of new industrial processes (equipment/civil works and industrial installations)
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  • Implementation and development of photovoltaic technology for public-private development
  • Creation of energy communities in a cooperative format: EKIOLA
  • Construction and operation of Photovoltaic farms (EKIAN, EKIENEA)
  • Photovoltaic installations on roofs (EKIAZ)
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  • Corporate headquarters
  • Clean rooms, laboratories
  • Renovation and extension of offices, changing rooms
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  • Old people's homes (new construction and renovation)
  • Health care buildings
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We are LEED, BREEAM and WELL certified

KREAN is a leading company in environmental product certification, having obtained BREEAM, LEED or WELL certification for more than 100 projects at the national and international level.

BREEAM and LEED recognise and reward those buildings that make an effort to reduce their environmental impact, collaborating with a more sustainable development and aligned with climate change adaptation and mitigation policies. In addition, they seek to improve the health and comfort of users. WELL focuses on the latter point by concentrating on improving people's health and well-being from a triple perspective: physical, psychological and emotional well-being.

All three certifications are valued by the sector for their unequivocal advantages: greater health and comfort for those who live, work or use the building; greater cost efficiency for those who build, operate or maintain it; and a significant reduction in its impact on the environment.

We are QUALITY certified

KREAN S Coop's Integrated Management System, under which it operates from its services division, applies all the requirements of the UNE 9001, UNE-EN-ISO 14001, UNE-EN-ISO 45001 and UNE-EN-ISO 14006 standards to the following activities:

ISO 9001: quality management in the design and development of building, urbanisation and civil works projects. Project management, works execution management and integrated project and works management.

ISO 14001: environmental management in the design and development of building, urbanisation and civil works projects.

ISO 45001: occupational health and safety in the design and development of building, urbanisation and civil works projects.

ISO 14006: product lifecycle design management (Ecodesign) in residential building and architectural project development.

Find out more about quality at KREAN.

Construcción 3D

Integrated systems


At KREAN, working in BIM is about the present and the future. We work on a real model of the project. The data is collected in a single model: buildings, processes, equipment, facilities... All the agents work on the same model, a model that captures the history of the project, during the design, on site, at handover and throughout the useful life of the project.


Integrated Project Delivery, an understanding that all the agents involved in the process are part of the same, being involved from the very beginning of the design, so that the final product is the result of a contribution of the abilities of the entire team. From the very beginning, KREAN involves those companies that it considers vital for the success of the project.


Integrated Project Delivery, an understanding that all the agents involved in the process are part of the same, being involved from the very beginning of the design, so that the final product is the result of a contribution of the abilities of the entire team. From the very beginning, KREAN involves those companies that it considers vital for the success of the project




Una planta de producción de vanguardia para una firma líder, el diseño y la construcción del edificio optimizan la actividad fabril y demuestran un sincero compromiso de la compañía con el medioambiente.



KREAN ha diseñado, proyectado y ejecutado sla construcción de la que ya es la mayor planta solar de Euskadi. Cuenta con  67.000 paneles solares de 355 vatios cada uno, 24 MW instalados en total que pueden alcanzar una producción anual cercana a los 40.000 MWh.

BEI Vitoria-Gasteiz

BEI Vitoria-Gasteiz

En el BEI de Vitoria-Gasteiz KREAN ha desarrollado el Proyecto Constructivo, la función de Oficina Técnica durante las obras y la redacción del Proyecto fin de obra. Asimismo, KREAN se ha encargado del diseño, construcción, suministro y montaje de las marquesinas de las paradas.



Diseño y Construcción de sede corporativa, oficinas y laboratorios.
