
Photovoltaic installations for industry - Photovoltaic installations for the general public

Energy is a fundamental resource in our lives, as it allows us to carry out any daily activity and all economic activity is linked to its consumption. But the energy sector (generation and transport) is currently one of the biggest contributors to overall greenhouse gas emissions. Growing concern about the adverse effects of climate change on our planet is driving us to seek more sustainable energy models that help reduce these impacts.

Our commitment is to help our customers move towards increasingly environmentally friendly energy models, taking into account key factors such as competitiveness, decarbonisation and security of supply.

At KREAN we have extensive experience offering solutions in the field of renewable energies (photovoltaic, wind, mini-hydro) and energy recovery and we take on challenges in more innovative sectors such as the use of hydrogen for decarbonisation.

KREAN offers a comprehensive service that adapts to the needs of each client, as it covers all phases of the project, from feasibility analysis to construction. We have experience in large projects, leading all stages until the project becomes a reality: structuring and promotion of the project, analysis of alternatives, management of permits, licences and aid, engineering and design, management of contracting and purchasing of equipment and services, supervision and management of the works, and commissioning. We also build turnkey projects.


Eneko Iturriaga

Head of Energy

Dr. Industrial Engineer


Professional Architectural and Engineering Services

  • Urban development
  • Structural Engineering
  • Facilities engineering
  • Sustainability and energy efficiency consultancy
  • Licence management
  • Project and construction management
  • Site management
  • On-site assistance
  • Support in obtaining subsidies/subsidie


  • Turnkey construction
  • Open book construction
  • EPC


  • Project structuring
  • Promotion

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