- Level crossing suppression and station reform
- Zaldibar, Bizkaia
Service contract for ETS (EUSKAL TRENBIDE SAREA-RED FERROVIARIA VASCA) public company that manages the Basque railway network) for the drafting of the construction project of the level crossing suppression (PK 39+094 Zalduaetxebarria) and reform of the Zaldibar station.
The purpose of the project is the definition of a structure necessary for the suppression of the level crossing of Zalduaetxebarria, in Zaldibar (Bizkaia). It includes the following actions:
- New pedestrian footbridge over the railroad tracks and the N-634 and its accesses.
- Adequacy of the pavement in the station area.
- Actions on the platform
- Remodeling of Zaldibar station.
- Elevator and stairs in Zalduarán street.
- Pedestrian paths
- Adequacy of plot as parking lot
- Sidewalk between the parking lot and the station environment