Arga river park

Arga river park

The Pamplona Region River Park is a reality that currently covers 25 kilometres of different sections of the rivers Arga, Ultzama, Elorz and Sadar, within the Pamplona Region, running through the townships of Esteribar, Ezcabarte, Huarte, Egüés, Villava, Burlada, Barañain, Zizur and Olza. In a Sectorial Project of Supra-municipal Incidence, 45 more kilometres of park have been planned, along the rivers Arga, Ultzama, Urbi, Elorz and Sadar, crossing the townships of Odieta, Olaibar, Ezcabarte, Esteribar, Egüés, Aranguren, Beriain, Noain, Galar, Zizur, Olza, Etxauri, Ciriza, Zabalza, Etxarri and Bidaurreta.

The main objectives of this project include the improvement of environmental conditions, the creation of spaces and routes (for recreational, sporting, cultural and mobility uses between townships), the improvement of infrastructures and the correction of negative effects.

Basically, the works consisted of the following:

  • Environmental recovery of the two riverbanks along which the park runs, by means of cleaning and restoration work (as part of post-works maintenance) to establish a green corridor that provides continuity for plant and animal populations.
  • Establishment of a river walkway, 3.5 m wide to guarantee coexistence between pedestrians and bicycles, with continuity guaranteed through the installation of structures over the river, subways under roads and level crossings on minor roads.
  • Creation of pedestrian paths on the opposite side of the walkway to complete the approach of citizens to the areas of greatest interest.
  • Construction of 20 recreational areas (plus 25 more in the extension) of different sizes, equipped with infrastructures, furniture and gardens for the enjoyment of the population.
  • Construction of flood defence works in the more urban areas of the park.  In rural areas, flood-prone areas are maintained.
  • Correction of geotechnical hazards on slopes and riverbanks.
  • Recovery of cultural heritage.  The San Andrés Mill has been restored (exhibition hall, workshops, terrace bar), the Batán de Villava (exhibition hall, interpretation centre, information point), an industrial building in Villava has been refurbished (hostel, bar-restaurant, storage), and the Romanesque bridges of Burlada and Arazuri have been restored.
  • Recovery of the Molino de San Andrés mini-hydroelectric plant and construction of a fish crossing at the diversion dam.

The projects have been developed by a multidisciplinary team made up of specialists in town planning, layout, structures, infrastructures, hydraulics, architecture, installations, gardening, irrigation, natural environment (fauna and flora), geology and geotechnics, history, signage and image, expropriations, health and safety and topography.

The first Sectorial Project of Supramunicipal Incidence (PSIS) was awarded the "City, Urban Planning and Ecology" prize by the Basque-Navarre Association of Urban Architects for "...harmonising the design of a new path for pedestrians and cyclists and other water-recreational facilities, with the adoption of measures aimed at preserving the environmental values of the ecosystem".

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Zadorra river flood defence

Gamarra Mayor, Álava


Urumea river flood defence

Donostia-San Sebastián
