KREAN's commitment to innovation materialised in 2006 with the creation of a specific multidisciplinary innovation committee, involving all business areas and representing all professional levels. The strategic thinking promoted by this working group is aimed at cultivating innovative and entrepreneurial attitudes within the cooperative, based on the conviction that the origin of a successful innovative process lies in the people.
At present, KREAN is currently working on the following areas:

Energy storage and management

Urban regeneration
Energy renovation of buildings and districts
Implementation of new energy efficient building solutions

Digital industry
Division into lots of networks and infrastructures
Digital twin

Circular economy
Implementation of circular economy pilot projects in the agri-food sector
Implementation of R&D&I projects to close the water cycle in industrial environments
Implementation of new business models for the reclamation of water

iWays, Innovative Water Recovery Solutions
Solutions through recycling of heat, materials and water across multiple sectors.

LIFE brewery: from Brewery to fish feed
New Strategies for Improving the Sustainability of Breweries: Full Waste Recovery for Aquaculture Feed.