Ecosens Aquamonitrix - LIFE EU
European Union

Enhanced Portable Sensor for Water Quality Monitoring, moving to truly integrated water resources management - ECOSENS AQUAMONITRIX - LIFE EU

The LIFE EcoSens Aquamonitrix proposal consolidates the research results of previous R&D projects in order to demonstrate and market a new integrated water quality monitoring solution to meet the frequent water quality monitoring requirements under the Water Framework Directive.

The project aims to demonstrate a cost-effective portable water monitoring solution for the water sector. This innovative, cost-competitive technology permits more frequent water quality monitoring with remote access to the device and to the results. This affordable solution results in greater supervision, thus simplifying management decisions and regulatory compliance. In addition, its efficient energy consumption enables longer deployment periods, decreasing maintenance requirements, providing an integrated monitoring solution that is cost-effective.

This project will showcase an innovative device for monitoring water quality in different environments and climates. The new EcoSens Aquamonitrix solution is a device designed for water and other authorities, e.g. regulatory authorities, river basin management, with the aim to improve their control of water resources, water quality and to facilitate and improve management decisions.

The device can perform a near-continuous analysis of water supplies, monitoring water quality indicators, including nutrients: e.g. nitrate, nitrite, as well as using reagent-free detection to monitor other parameters, thus reducing the reagents and standards required. The system can monitor multiple samples continuously, allowing end users to detect contamination events and adverse trends in real time. Thus, private and public entities in charge of water quality monitoring and management can act more efficiently and effectively by addressing any detected problems (i.e. sources of contamination) in a more timely manner, thereby minimising their negative environmental impact.


Laboratorios T.E.


Universidade Nova de Lisboa – Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia




Ecosens Aquamonitrix



