Principles and values of the company
Everyone who is part of the Group must understand and comply with the expectations of our Code of Ethics and Conduct in terms of how to act in the work environment and in the business environment.
The Group's Basic Co-operative Principles are based on its membership of the Mondragon Corporation:
- The members of the co-operatives share a sense of belonging to a group with a shared project, based on promoting personal development linked to collective progress.
- We therefore pursue a collective good, but framed and understood as being associated with the good of the environment in which we live, with the society to which we belong and of which we form an indissoluble part.
- We assume, with our active participation in the development of KREAN, the responsibility, as owners of our cooperative and its fruits, to undertake to build our future and that of the society to which we belong.
- We face the personal challenge of applying our efforts to this objective and this document once again ratifies our commitment internally and to the collective.
We consider the willingness to participate actively in KREAN's governing bodies, the assumption and practice of solidarity in remuneration, the vocation to share knowledge and experience and to transmit our cooperative feeling in our internal and external personal relations to be expressions of our personal involvement.
All our managers strive to share and extend their leadership, to be drivers of change and role models, and to encourage the development of people and teams, promoting professional development and new skills, and giving priority to personal development and occupational health and safety.
As ours is a shared project, we aspire to a professional future based on cooperation, participation, social responsibility and innovation as our own values that identify us.
As a company, we participate in the definition of a socio-business policy, we are integrated in divisional development, promoting Mutual Interest Groups, and we contribute to inter-cooperative solidarity, contributing and sharing resources, knowledge and experience.
We support the strategy of monitoring the environment, promoting interest groups that allow us to face the challenges, objectives and strategies in a dynamic and shared way, basing decisions on our previous experiences to improve our competitive positioning.
Assuming as our ultimate objective the growth of KREAN as an excellent company, the application of Compliance is a basic and indispensable requirement of our development, and is interpreted and expressed from our vocation to promote the principles of:
- Education.
- Sovereignty of work.
- Instrumental and subordinate nature of capital.
- Democratic organisation.
- Free adhesion.
- Participation in management.
- Solidarity in remuneration.
- Inter-cooperation.
- Social transformation.
- Universal nature
Likewise, labour relations within the company are inspired by the following principles:
- Legality: labour relations between the company and its employees must be carried out in compliance with legal precepts.
- Commitment to the Environment.
- Commitment to Health and Safety.
- Maximum respect, fairness and dignity in the treatment of all partners, employees, collaborators, suppliers, competitors and other third parties linked to the company.
- Selection, promotion and evaluation.
- Transparency, objectivity and professionalism in the development of all its activities and relations with stakeholders.
- Privacy, data protection and confidential information.
KREAN is responsible for ensuring that these principles are known and respected by all employees and collaborators of the company, internalising and reflecting them in all their actions.
Global CompAct signatories
Since 2012, we have adhered to the UN Global Compact, to which we report annually and where we reaffirm our support for the ten UN Global Compact Principles on Human Rights, Labour, Environment and Anti-Corruption.
If we adhere to the respect for human rights, we therefore reaffirm our annual compliance with the two principles set out in the Compact, namely:
- Principle 1: Entities should support and respect the protection of internationally recognised human rights within their sphere of influence.
- Principle 2: Businesses should ensure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.